ספוג PORON על בסיס יוריטאן, בעל "זיכרון" מושלם, שואף ל 100% חזרתית, מה שמעניק לו ביצועים מושלמים לאורך שנים רבות ומיליוני פעימות. הדגם החדיש פותח במיוחד לבטריות וסוללות בכלי רכב תעופה ושימושים ביתיים.
הסוללות המודרניות מתכווצות ומתפשטות בזמן פעולתן, תוך כדי עליות בטמפרטורה, הPORON החדש מדגם EXTEND סופג את השינויים הפיזיים של הסוללה, ומבודד טרמית את תא הסוללות.
ל PORON EXTEND יכולת מוכחת ובדוקה לעמידות באש
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Battery Pads
Battery pads are used inside of an EV pouch cell battery pack. Whether the battery leverages a single pouch cell or several cells in a series, it is important to maintain a constant stack up pressure on all cells, even when they are in an expanded state. How is constant force maintained on a system that is in constant motion? The answer lies in the use of battery pads.
Battery pads are typically soft, compressible materials that address changes in compression without becoming overly firm or soft during expansion or contraction, thereby maintaining a constant pressure on each pouch cell. This pressure can also be referred to as push back force (or stack up pressure), which optimizes battery life and performance. Continuous contraction and expansion cycles can cause significant changes in a material's push back force. Foam pads are inserted between pouches and cells to maintain this push back force. The pad must be firm enough to hold components in place, while compressible enough to withstand dimensional changes of the pouch cells over the life of the battery.
Advantages of PORON® EVExtend 4701-43RL for the battery pad application
Compression set - A tight specification of 5% on compression set and additional long term testing PORON® EVExtend proves to be highly resistant material that maintains its original thickness and properties throughout the life of the battery.
Flat CFD curves - PORON® EVExtend is engineered to have a flatter compression force deflection (CFD) curve, with performance that is firmer on the front end and softer on the back end. Because of this, PORON® EVExtend can maintain a constant pushback force, allowing designers to meet both beginning and end of life limits despite pouch expansion.
Long term performance and reliability - Like all PORON® polyurethane materials, PORON® EVExtend provides exceptional and unrivaled long term performance.
To learn more about PORON® EVExtend 4701-43RL click the links below:
Rogers Corp CFD Tool: Using stress-strain data to meet your engineering requirements. This tool provides a fast comparison of compression displacement data